Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Exit at Crossroad

It was in the early hours of the morning and I raised on my feet
like a zombie out of a tomb
Melkizeor had called me
I had remnants of memory
from the adventures in the sad lands
But at the call of the Great One
I was awake, in a sweat
"The crossroads is where you should be"
The fountain in the shape of a shapely woman
Was standing in its centre
There were towards the four directions
Signs in a language I can't read
I raised my eyes and once again
A pure globe of pure light was passing ahead
Iridescent. Humming.
The screams of the robots from Earth 
I now could clearly hear
And I remembered their dark fate
At the centre of the crossroads
Stood the ending to my Quest
A woman superb
Holding a vase 
Containing pearls
And the purest water
And many unearthy delights

The direction I chose was the right one

What other choice could have been?

It is from Hidden Palace of  <CENSORED>
That I wrote these verses
I have found Love, Peace and Abundance
In this most sacred place


At the crossroads look at the sign

At the crossroads look at the sign
that others are looking for
No more can I say...
God does All
And All is well done.

Melkizeor curtsied

The Twelve bowed
Athm entered level II
The globe of light was again passing ahead
Fuzzing away

All is quiet
All is well

...and forever with Thee

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